德克萨斯南方大学(TSU)于1947年正式成立,其使命是为非裔美国学生建立一所值得信赖的大学.  Today, TSU offers a variety of academic programs to students of diverse backgrounds, cultures and levels of scholastic achievement. 

In 1973, 国家指定TSU为“城市规划高等教育的特殊目的机构”.”  Ascribing to the global implications of its urban mission, the University focuses on high quality teaching, 研究和公共服务作为准备学生在我们国家的城市社区领导角色的一种手段, 国家与世界.

德克萨斯南方大学(TSU)是美国历史上最大的黑人学院和大学之一。.  TSU provides a first class educational experience, 提供超过120个学士学位, masters and doctoral degree programs in nine schools and colleges.  大学资产超过2.5亿元,目前在校学生超过10,800人.  访问德克萨斯南方大学网站 w3k9.aykarteknoloji.com.




Jesse H. Jones School of Business

The fastest growing school within 德克萨斯南方大学, the Jesse H. Jones School of Business在提供多样化的受过教育的劳动力方面发挥着不可或缺的作用,为在当今不断变化的高度竞争的劳动力市场中取得成功做好准备.  At the Jesse H. Jones School of Business students receive a hands-on, practical experience that teaches the skills employers demand.  Click 这里有更多关于杰西H. 琼斯商学院.


The Thurgood Marshall School of Law 

The Thurgood Marshall School of Law, was created as a consequence of a 1946 lawsuit brought by Heman M. Sweatt. Under the Texas Constitution, which required separate but equal treatment, Mr. Sweatt was refused admission to the University of Texas School of Law because he was black. As a result, the legislature provided for an interim and separate law school for Negroes. 在第一学年, 法学院设在奥斯汀, Texas, and was subsequently transferred to the new university campus in Houston.  Click HERE for more information on the The Thurgood Marshall School of Law.


College Of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

Currently serving over 800 pre-professional and professional health profession students, 德克萨斯南方大学College Of Pharmacy and Health Sciences(COPHS)是全国少数民族卫生专业人员的主要生产者之一.  在过去的半个世纪, 该学院以全国近三分之一的黑人药剂师毕业而闻名. 托国立也是培养黑人医疗技术专家和呼吸治疗师的领先学府, meeting local, 州和国家保健需求.  Click HERE for more information on the College Of Pharmacy and Health Sciences.


College of Education

德克萨斯南方大学College of Education的使命是“为城市学校提供有能力的职业专业人员,利用研究为城市学校提供有效的服务。, collaboration, and application in seeking solutions to teaching, learning, social, physical and behavioral issues facing urban populations." The College of Education has provided innovative approaches to education since 1947. 学院现有学生1119人.  Click HERE for more information on the College of Education.


理工科学院 and Technology

科学技术学院的使命与学校的使命是一致的. We are committed to educate a diverse population in the science, engineering and technology disciplines for the professions to conduct research and scholarly pursuits for the advancement of knowledge; and to serve society and the communities consistent with the mission of the University. These degree programs are housed in the Biology, Chemistry, 计算机科学与物理, 工程技术, 工业技术, Mathematics and Transportation Studies Departments.  Click HERE for more information on the College of Science and Technology.


College of Liberal Arts and Behavioral Sciences

文科和行为科学学院是该大学最多样化的教学单位, encompassing eight departments that offer 20 degrees, 13个学士和7个硕士. 近一半的在校本科生参加了学院的学习项目. The aim is to create more knowledgeable, responsible and humane individuals. In an effort to have highly employable graduates, 学院旨在为专业学生提供必要的知识和理解,使其在特定学科中取得成功, 在教育方面也是如此, 大众传媒, politics, the international areas and the performing arts.  In addition to being prepared to be a leader in today’s diverse workforce, 学院的毕业生将接触到各种各样的文学和文化体验.  Click HERE for more information on the College of Liberal Arts and Behavioral Sciences.


College of Continuing Education

6月3日,德克萨斯南方大学周末学院和继续教育部门被董事会重新指定为College of Continuing Education, 1994; this alteration marks one of the most significant changes in the unit since it was created in 1973 as the Weekend College.  In 1973, 德克萨斯州立法机关承认德克萨斯南方大学是“城市规划的特殊目的机构”." Considering the history of 德克萨斯南方大学 and the former Weekend College, College of Continuing Education面临的挑战是继续积极应对来自国家的挑战, city, 和大学社区.  College of Continuing Education的作用是提供确认大学使命的课程和服务. Operationally, College of Continuing Education是德克萨斯南方大学提供非学分课程的行政单位. 更具体地说, 这个非学术单位旨在通过为所有公民提供教育机会,满足终身学习和专业发展方面的明确社区需求. 学院还为其选区提供了在城市地区和德克萨斯州周边地区参加高质量非学分课程的机会.  Click HERE for more information on the College of Continuing Education.


Graduate School

1947年,德克萨斯南方大学由德克萨斯州立法机构创建,研究生院作为该机构的一个单位成立. 自成立以来, 研究生院稳步发展,目前提供36个不同学术领域的学位课程. 研究生课程由研究生委员会选出的研究生教员授课. 正规研究生教师具有博士学位,并有研究和发表成果. 研究和培训也得到了几个研究和推广中心的支持,包括:, 城市教育卓越中心, Center for Transportation Training and Research (CTTR), Mickey Leland Center on World Hunger and Peace, 以家庭为中心, 少数民族院校研究中心, 心血管中心, and the NASA Research Center in Biotechnology and Environmental Health.  Click HERE for more information on the Graduate School.


Barbara Jordan—Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs

芭芭拉·乔丹-米奇·利兰公共事务学院的使命是作为一个以城市为中心的学习社区,致力于教育专业人士,他们将在当地规划和管理环境健康和可持续的社区, state, national and international levels of society.  成功完成学位课程的学生精通这些理论, 公共政策制定和司法管理充满挑战的世界的概念和实际程序.  Their majors help prepare them for effective participation in government, non-governmental organizations and private sector careers.  为有兴趣从事法律职业的学生以及各种研究生和专业学校课程的学生提供了良好的背景.  Click HERE for more information on the Barbara Jordan—Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs.